dimanche 21 juin 2015

python binding for libgtop2

Where is it ?! It's my code and I can't find it anymore. I'm not even sure about where is the precious 'gtop.c' file within gnome. I've just found it in the archives: gtop.c and I have immediately clone this and gdesklets.

I have also written a silly email to the debian maintainers to understand what is going on because the gtop.c is still shipped within source package gnome-python-desktop but it is not built. And the old gdesklets package ships its own file.

The gdesklets version will do for now. Here's how to grab it and use

# Get it
$ aptitude download gdesklets
Get :  1 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/ sid/main gdesklets amd64 0.36.1-7 [2 699 kB]
 2 699 kB downloaded en 1s (1 868 kB/s)

# Extract it
$ ar x gdesklets_0.36.1-7_amd64.deb
$ tar xJf data.tar.xz ./usr/lib/gdesklets/libdesklets/system/gtop.so
$ mv ./usr/lib/gdesklets/libdesklets/system/gtop.so .

# Check it
$ ldd -r gtop.so | grep libgtop
        libgtop-2.0.so.7 => /usr/lib/libgtop-2.0.so.7 (0x00007feda0cb4000)

# If you don't have this
# apt-get install libgtop2-7

# Here's a simple example
Python 2.7.10 (default, Jun  1 2015, 16:21:46)
[GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import gtop
>>> gtop.loadavg()
Struct { .last_pid = 9065, .loadavg1 = 0.14, .loadavg15 = 0.14, .loadavg5 = 0.1, .nr_running = 2, .nr_tasks = 398 }

There's also the new binding based on the Gnome-Instrospection framework but I'm afraid it's currently broken. It's autogenerated, and I have started to fix it. It's shipped with package gir1.2-gtop-2.0. Here's a sample code, it's very closed to the C usage.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from gi.repository import GTop


buf = GTop.glibtop_loadavg()
print(dict((k, getattr(buf, k)) for k in dir(buf) if not k.startswith('__')))

And it runs (probably because of my local unsent patches):
$ python3 loadavg.py
server=0x7fe25d788c00 features=0 flags=0 server_flags=0
server=0x7fe25d788c00 features=20 flags=0 server_flags=b0000
{'flags': 15, 'last_pid': 9590, 'nr_tasks': 401, 'nr_running': 2, 'loadavg': [0.02, 0.04, 0.07]}

mardi 16 juin 2015

Seagate Hybrid Drive

Lately, I have replaced two laptop drives : a Toshiba MK6475GSX 640GB Jan-2012 and an older and failing Seagate Momentus 5400.6 320GB. I've swapped them with two Seagate ST500LM000 2.5" 500 GB that I bought on LDLC for ~70€. I've copied the data with a mix of sfdisk, dd and ntfsclone, obviously I've had to change the partitions sizes for the 640GB -> 500GB and I've had to realign an ext4 partition. Editing sfdisk input file and playing with parted was alright.
The performance is very good, somewhere between 100-120MB for reads. There's no burst when the data is on the 8GB SSD, but it feels like everything is smoother and faster. I don't have hard stats but it seems to me that the real issue with classic laptop drives is there lack of buffer, usually 8-16MB. Well, with a 8GB SSD, that's no longer an issue. The laptops are running Windows 7 and Debian. Everything is transparent, nothing to configure, it runs fine out of the box. So I'm happy with these cheap upgrades.

(I am writing in English because I wasn't able to find any user comments (!= review) on the ST500ML000 before I purchased them, so I'm just sharing).